
My Metabolic Stretching Review

Stretching to Fitness

There is a brand new fitness program launched recently – called Metabolic Stretching.

It asks the question – what if there was a way to quickly and easily improve your flexibility while also BURNING fat and building body STRENGTH?

Seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well is it I wondered.

As you can see, these aren’t crazy-difficult stretches that no-one but fitness pros can do. These are simple, straightforward stretches you may have already heard of. And they work.

I want to reinforce this point to you: there is nothing complicated or special about the exercises themselves.

First the good news:

  • This doesn’t require any special equipment – it is completely ‘bodyweight’ focused so you’re BUILDING muscle and BURNING fat while you move about.
  • It is not boring (important I think!) Forget those endless hours on a treadmill down the gym, or the distant trainer wishing you somewhere else.
  • It is simple and straightforward to follow. You can fit this into your busy schedule and you don’t need hundreds of videos and manuals to explain all the moves.

So all sounds good so far – so what is it I wondered?

Well it’s NOT some bizarre or complicated system and it’s hardly groundbreaking. In fact, you will probably recognize many of the exercises. What makes this revolutionary is the way they have combined simple exercises into one powerful movement sequence you will actually enjoy doing.

Even if you’ve already tried everything to lose weight, shift stubborn belly fat and tone up and failed. This is different.

The coach is a man called Brian Klepacki, aka Coach Brian. He is a fat loss and functional movement coach for Critical Bench, the Internet’s longest-standing strength site.

Coach Brian

Brian is a certified strength and conditioning specialist, with a Masters Degree in Exercise Science. He firstly discusses what he calls the 3 Weight Loss Lies that saturate the market these days –

  • You Must Starve Yourself On a Crash Course Diet
  • You Need Those High Intensity 12 Week “Shreds”
  • Spend Hours Doing Cardio Every Single Day

Don’t deprive your body of good food, you can achieve positive changes in your metabolism after just 14 days of the right exercise, and 15 minutes a day can be enough.

Secret To Flexibility And Burning Fat is essentially the same – Movement

When we think about becoming more flexible, our first thought is stretching. And, in particular, static stretching.

It figures. Static stretching is what we’ve been told to do since high school. It usually means stretching one particular muscle and holding it in the stretch for around 30 seconds. Static stretching aims to lengthen the muscle to make it more elastic.

Flexibility is different. Flexibility is all about range of motion around a joint.

Mobility, on the other hand, is the ability to move freely and easily.

Static stretching alone cannot improve flexibility. The secret to flexibility is MOVEMENT.

So this course is all about movement – the right movement, and regularly practiced.

Pros of the Course

  • Helpful short videos – beginner and advanced.
  • Provides effective and efficient easy-to-follow guidelines for home exercising
  • Not at all boring to learn and easy to follow.
  • Extremely cost-effective (especially right now).


  • It is mostly in eBook form, but there are some videos too.
  • These exercises can be addictive
  • Up to you to discipline yourself and follow the advice

My Verdict

This is a great new way of exercising at home – to aid in burning fat and keeping your body flexible and nimble.

You won’t be bored stretching to fitness, which I have always found to be the first reason most people drop any exercise regime in spite of the best intentions!

Special Discount Offer

It is also great value – as there is no expensive equipment called for, and there is a special launch discount available if you act quickly. Click Here and you can save $40 to check this out risk free. What have you got to lose by looking, apart from some unwanted body weight that is!
